We are
on the market from 23 years
We offer complex
technical support
We have our own
engineers team
Our used goods
are professional refubrished
We help in choosing
optimal solutions
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Online shop COMEL-IT with new and refurbished networking Equipment
Comel Company was established in 1999y. from begining to 2002, Our Company was only supporting local companies. In next years COMEL started to grow in many diffrent branches. All of our efforts had one goal -Outsourcing for businesses so your Company can concentrate on your own business and do not care about IT problems and infrastructure.
Comel have 43 employees from witch all of them are experts in their respective fields. 12 of our employees are in sales branch witch specializes in distribution and support of new and refurbished networking Equipment. Our competitive prices are result of years of positive relations between our Company and partners.
In our warehouse we have over 20 000 pieces of networking Equipment from witch we can surely find something for you.
Each item from our Company have 12 months of warranty. Our RMA team is prepaired for any kind of malfuncions by holding stock of most popular products and parts. Becouse of that we can menage a lot of diffrent networking and fibre optics emergencies without delay.